Buchman is the original name for the Moriah and Hashvatim neighborhoods of Modiin.
The Buchman neighborhoods in Modiin are currently one of Israel’s hottest real estate
markets. Buchman is located at the southern end of Modiin. Established in 2002,
Buchman is attracting a large influx of English-speaking Olim from around the globe.
Let’s not forget the many native Israelis who are also a large part of the Buchman
community. Buchman is attractive for its spacious and luxurious apartments and houses.
The abundance of garden apartments and cottages in Buchman creates a tranquil
suburban feeling within a flourishing city.

Buchman is located at the southern end of Modiin. Buchman is comprised of two sections
– the older area called Buchman Tzafon (North)-Hashvatim and the newer area called
Buchman Darom (South)- Moriah.
The population in Buchman, like all of Modiin is a mixture of both religious and secular
residents. Buchman has shopping centers, schools, parks, shuls, and medical clinics.
Buchman also has some spectacular sports parks.